Noah Cousineau
Designer and Curator


Book Design | Exhibition Design | Event Branding

THE TRADE SHOW! is an art exhibition and catalog that I created as a social commentary on how contemporary capitalism and culture mix. It is based on my studies at ArtCenter College of Design and the intersections between art and money. Through posters, environmental design, and merchandise, the design of the exhibition intentionally played off of the concept of forced excitement, reflecting that behind the flashiness of corporate imagery, there is the black and white fact of the need for profit. The artist catalog was curated to feature Alex Da Corte, Daniel Arsham, Minerva Cuevas, Tyler Shields, Stephanie H. Shih, Nick Doyle, Jeff Koons, and Barbara Kruger; all are artists who focus on corporate influence in some way. The catalog also contains an essay by Frederic Jameson called “Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism”. THE TRADE SHOW! is a way for me to share my humorous voice as a designer while creating a uniquely blunt commentary on capitalism. THE TRADE SHOW! also won an honorable mention for Graphis's New Talent Awards 2024.

Exhibition Catalog Cover

Cover of THE TRADE SHOW! exhibition catalog

Exhibition Catalog Spreads

Various spreads from THE TRADE SHOW! exhibition catalog

Exhibition Posters and Marketing

Promotional posters for THE TRADE SHOW!

Examples of THE TRADE SHOW! marketing in context

Exhibition Walls

THE TRADE SHOW! exhibition walls and signage


Various pieces of merchandise for the TRADE SHOW! These were made to fit the humorous feel of the exhibition.


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