Noah Cousineau
Designer and Artist


Thesis | Art | Exhibition

Forced Perspective: An Exhibit On Brand is a thesis and art project about the influence of branding on the public. When studying brands in ArtCenter, I became frustrated by the manipulation and forced judgement of others that comes from some branding practices. To reveal these practices to the public, I created artwork that focused on judgement and perceptions caused by particular brands. The artwork was displayed in a gallery space called The Trophy Room LA for a total of three days in March of 2024. The art, my reflections on branding, and my largest takeaways from the project were all compiled in a 300 page book at the end of the project.

Introductory Video

Introductory video for Forced Perspective

Promotional Material

Teaser video for Forced Perspective

Promotional video for social media

Promotional poster for Forced Perspective

Preview of Artwork

Nike and Adidas branded cow hooves made from branding irons

Branded pieces of cowhide

Screen prints of brand influence over culture and history.

"Personas" print focusing on judgement caused by brands.

"Brand Image" sculptures, commenting on the judgement caused by brand affiliation.

Drivers, speaking about judgement caused by car brands.

Brandless packaging for Miller Lite, Modelo, and 805 Beers

Mama Mia! Brands have a strong control over out thinking!

"The Branding Machine", a short 3D animation speaking about the cold power of branding.

Forced Perspective Book

Photography and mockups of Forced Perspective Book. Book was designed to be as loud and forceful as branding can feel.

Opening Reception

Various images of work and spectators at Forced Perspective opening reception.


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