Noah Cousineau
Designer and Art Director


Magazine Design | Art Direction | Humor

Beanz magazine was a bi-monthly children's science and computer science magazine with a quirky and humorous attitude. Towards the end of 2023, I was given the role of Art Director for the magazine. One of the largest challenges with Beanz was that there was no budget in terms of photography or illustration, meaning imagery had to be sourced from public domain sites. Instead of viewing this as a setback, this became one of the magazine's strengths. A lack of curated imagery led to photoshopped and meme-like visuals with a charmingly snarky voice for the magazine.

Magazine Covers

Beanz Magazine covers for February 2024, December 2023, October 2023, and August 2023

Sample Spreads

Various example spreads from different Beanz magazine issues.


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