Noah Cousineau
Designer and Entertainer


Internship | Branding | Visual Identity

10 By Ten Entertainment is a startup production company founded by Hollywood producer Tendo Nagenda. 10 By Ten Entertainment is focusing on telling stories from new and typically underrepresented perspectives, something that interested me greatly. In the summer of 2023, Tendo offered me a summer graphic design intern position at his new company. 10 By Ten Entertainment needed a brand created, along with templates, stationery, a brand bible, and various other assets needed to get the company running. The visuals of the brand were inspired from the short film "Powers of Ten", as this was one of the largest inspirations for the company's name and ideals. My internship with 10 By Ten Entertainment allowed me to be part of a startup company and create a brand from the ground up.


Gif of logo animation, planned to play at the start of productions.

Logo was inspired off of "Powers of Ten" from the office of Charles and Ray Eames


Colors were core to the brand's refresh philosophy of diversity and new approaches.

Brand Bible Excerpts

The brand bible served more as a source of brand inspiration rather than literal guidelines.


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