Noah Cousineau
Designer and Humorist
Package Design | Design Challenge | Humor
Early Riser Condoms was the result of a design challenge with a very fast turn-around time. In ArtCenter's Graduate Package Design I class, students were given a blank box dieline for a small competition among classmates. When assembled, the box could slide up to reveal the contents of the package on the inside. With this in mind, students only had one week to come up with the best design for this box. I decided to create a mock product from Durex called "Early Riser Condoms" intended to make the most out of someone's "morning wood". The physical box was only a rough concept of the package, but the idea and design was strong enough to have me win the small competition among classmates.
Box Photography

Image of closed condom box front.

Images of closed condom box.

Images of opened condom box.