Noah Cousineau
Designer and Entrepreneur


Package Design | Product Development | Illustration

The Chillie Cool Down Kit is a product/package design made to cool off users in extreme heat. As a newer resident to California, I quickly learned how brutal summers can be in certain parts of the state. I became frustrated by the heat as it didn't allow me to spend much time outside without overheating. The Chillie kit solves this issue by acting as a small portable freezer with ice packs and other cooling items. The box itself is designed with an insulating layer in the lid and is small enough to fit in your freezer. Simply insert the kit with its contents into a freezer, wait for the contents to freeze, and then go and tackle the summer heat. The design was inspired off of mid-century cartoons like Rocky and Bullwinkle as a way to add some comfort and child-like relief to the harsh summer sun.

Chillie Logo

Logo was inspired by century cartoons like Rocky & Bullwinkle

Chillie Cool Down Kit Box

Chillie Cool Down Kit with belly band.

Surfaces and Graphics

Exterior surfaces of box and belly band.

Interior surfaces of box and dividers.

Product Photography

Chillie box with and without belly band.

Interior of Chillie box.


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